This week has been quite a good turn out. I worked really hard to understand each concept properly and asked as many questions to avoid any confusions I would have at home while im during my homework. I think I'm trying harder now because I'm getting used to the routine (finally) and I hope I continue to take some real interest in this.
Today my science class went to Rouge Valley so I missed all my classes, but was back for the last 15 mintues of computer science. In that time, I was given a quiz about what we've recentely learned about: selection in programming.
My mom went for the interviews alone because I was really tired and in pain due to my little fall while climbing up a huge, steep hill. Unfortunately I wasn't the only one who slipped or fell down. Anyways, once I came home, I took a nice shower and fell asleep, while my mom went to the interview and heard about my progress in my classes. She told me exactly what my teachers have said and I understand their concerns. I feel that I could do so much better now because my confidence is finally kicking in! I hope I'm able to proove myself fit for IB and I hope I succeed.
Anyways, I'm still feeling a little pain, so I'm going to get some shut-eye again and write tomorrow.
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